by Paul
I think it must have been about 1976 or 1977 when I bought an album by a Canadian band called Klaatu with, among others, the track “Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft” (which was covered by The Carpenters soon after it came out). It was rumoured that this was actually the Beatles in disguise, so to […]
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by Paul
I first saw the lascivious lips of The Rocky Horror Picture Show singing “Science Fiction/Double Feature” in the cinema of a small town in New Zealand, which has since burnt down.

The film came out in 1975, so it must have been some time after that.
I remember being amazed to learn that creator Richard O’Brien was also from New Zealand (actually he was born in the UK but emigrated there with his family as a child).
Another shock was seeing my father’s name in the sound credits, but it was obviously a different person. I’ve never come across the same combination before or since, so it was a strange coincidence.
Anyway, here is that song about the late night double picture feature show (“I wanna go…”), unfortunately without the moving lips, but with the lyrics in case you want to sing along:
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